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JJ Heller

Pop music
Christian pop music
Contemporary folk
JJ Heller is an American Christian folk singer and songwriter from San José, California. Born Jennifer Judy Kellner on October 19, 1980, she started writing songs in her second year of college and later met future husband Dave Heller while both were playing in a band together. Even though she began her music career in 2004 with the album Songs That I Know, it wasn't until 2008 that she scored her first charting effort with the full-length Painted Red, which rose to Number 12 on the US folk charts thanks to the single "What Love Really Means." In the following years, albums such a...
Things I'm Thankful For
Things I'm Thankful ForJJ Heller, Melanie Penn, David Heller and Jennifer J Heller


LullabyJJ Heller

Only Love Remains


Boat Song
Boat SongJJ Heller

I Dream of You


Your Hands
Your HandsJJ Heller


Proud of You
Proud of YouJJ Heller, Andy Gullahorn, David Heller and Jennifer J Heller


What Love Really Means
What Love Really MeansJJ Heller


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