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Dove Cameron

Pop music
Electro pop
Electronic music
Born "Chloe Celeste Hosterman" on January 15th, 1996, in Bainbridge Island, Washington, Dove Cameron was one of many teenaged actors to capitalize on their acting celebrity by launching a parallel career in the music business. She was initially known for playing both lead characters in the Disney teen sitcom Liv and Maddie, a series that was successful upon its launch in 2013. To launch her pop career, Dove Cameron chose to record a number of cover versions by artists such as Imagine Dragons and Christina Aguilera, as well as perform songs from the various TV and film productions...
If Only
If OnlyDove Cameron

Descendants (Original TV Movie Soundtrack)


Rotten To The Core
Rotten To The CoreDove Cameron, Booboo Stewart, Sofia Carson and Cameron Boyce

The Descendants [B.O.F.]


Night Falls
Night FallsDylan Playfair, Booboo Stewart, China McClain, Dove Cameron, Sofia Carson, Cameron Boyce and Thomas Doherty

Descendants 3 [B.O.F.]


It's Goin' Down
It's Goin' Down 

Descendants 2 Soundtrack

China McClain, Booboo Stewart, Dove Cameron, Sofia Carson, Mitchell Hope, Cameron Boyce, Dylan Playfair and Thomas Doherty


Ways To Be Wicked
Ways To Be WickedDove Cameron, Booboo Stewart, Sofia Carson and Cameron Boyce

Descendants 2 [B.O.F.]


Do What You Gotta Do
Do What You Gotta DoCheyenne Jackson and Dove Cameron

Descendants 3 [B.O.F.]


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